Year: 2024
The Dead Net
The internet is broken. This is particularly problematic when we live in a world where so much is enabled, facilitated, and disabled by “the internet.” Hell, even defining “the internet” is a rough task. What is it? The line that goes into your house. The stuff you scroll through the data connection on your phone.…
Love Lies Bleeding
A rare thing around our house: the rewatch. Don’t get me wrong, I will rewatch movies and shows in the way a favorite meal might comfort someone. I am definitely in with the crowd that will drop into any episode of The Office and know the very next line out of the mouth of the…
The Ghost of The Living
“They say when you meet someone who looks just like you, you die.” p.Wish, The Doppleganger “No one makes themselves; we all make and unmake one another.” Naomi Klein, Doppelganger Going through Naomi Klein’s Doppelganger, something I snagged from the library purely because of the subtitle “A Trip into the Mirror World,” I was opened…
The Age of Information, The Aging of Information.
Some thoughts on James Gleick’s The Information. “The alphabet is like a contagion – both the virus and the vector of transmission in and of itself.” Back in the “learn to code” days – a phrase shot off in mean spirit by anti-intellectuals to journalists and academics who were loosing their jobs by the thousands…
The Explosion and a Persistent Challenge of Discovery and Appreciation.
Artists tend to not stop making things, even if the thing you remember them making isn’t around anymore.
Riffs on Paper
It’s like when you buy clothes: if you find something you like that fits well, buy it in every color. But here, if I find a paper that really sings I’ll stock up however I can.
July inside of July
It’s been muggy as hell this year. It feels unreal. Still, folks are out trying to make the best of it. “My life, I realize suddenly, is July. Childhood is June, and old age is August, but here it is, July, and my life, this year, is July inside of July.” Rick Bass
Riffs on Grammar
Thoughts on grammar. Why a preposition can end things. And other collected notes.