DT Pennington

Endlessly Curious

2023 2024 AI App Zero art art and artists Asheville book notes books bourbon Brain Reclaim concerts creative thinking Creativity election essays Helene Hurricane Helene ideas idleism Infinite Jest learning to art Learning To Learn manifesto music naps productivity quotes reading reading notes rest riffs seedlings Sketching Slow Reading social media techocalypse The Grey Eagle The Storm tools travel ways of thinking wonder working writing

Year: 2024

  • In The Studio with Violet – May 27, 2024

    In The Studio with Violet – May 27, 2024

    More exploration with the brush pen.

  • Ink Is A Forgiving Medium

    I’m still on a quest to figure out why drawing ended up being the answer, but I’m still at it and improving, I think. Whatever the case, my workspace is a perpetual mess of papers and inks and stubs of pencils. More brushes keep surfacing. Maybe, through it all, I just wanted to sit across…

  • Collage, without the mess.

    Taking the tools I have and pushing them a little further to see what else I can do with them. Digital collage, photoshop, scanning, and making something out of the bits on the cutting room floor.

  • The Need for Nothing

    The greatest insult to a capitalist culture is to want for nothing. Sounds nice. The past few weeks I’ve been embracing this idea of “nothing new.” I’ll write more on it later. The gist: where possible, I will acquire nothing new. Do without or buy secondhand. But there’s another kind of nothingness in addition to…

  • It’s a Wet Heat

    We’re hitting the first hot and wet days here in Asheville. And as uncomfortable as it is, I tell myself that it could be worse. I know the Piedmont and coastal regions are easily 10 degrees warmer and 40 percent more humid just by being. I’ll never forget our late-July trip to Wilmington for a…

  • The Visceral Romance

    I guess I could take a video of this so you can see it and share it. There are a pair of brown rabbits in the rose garden doing that jump-around thing that animals tend to do in the springtime. It rained aggressively last night, so the ground is covered in pink and red petals…

  • The Universal Reminders

    Because sometimes you wonder if this is all worth it. Because doing your own thing, running your own business, sharing your story, making it matter, and going out of your way to try something way off base from the norm tends to fail far more often than it succeeds. Because sometimes you find yourself looking…

  • Tulum Trash

    I had to nose the ATV gently through the gutter that had formed in the middle of the dirt road. I would have raced right through it, but Carly was hanging onto the back seat, and I could feel her clench everything down whenever I hit a bump. So, easy does it. We’re in Mexico…

  • Spending 2024 with Infinite Jest – Notes on the first readthrough.

    Four months, one reading. And I’m not finished yet! Time to flip this over and see what else it can tell me.

  • Create More Than You Consume. Much More. Exponentially More.

    “It actually makes me feel better knowing you’re not doing so great.” This line comes from one of my friends, but there’s no reason to take offense. As it goes, misery loves company. This has sat in drafts for a while. I wasn’t sure how to approach the idea of “everyone’s having a tough go,…