DT Pennington

Endlessly Curious

2023 2024 advertising AI App Zero art art and artists Asheville book notes books Brain Reclaim concerts copywriting creative thinking Creativity dogs election essays Helene Hurricane Helene ideas Infinite Jest learning to art Learning To Learn manifesto music naps productivity quotes reading reading notes rest riffs seedlings Sketching Slow Reading social media techocalypse The Grey Eagle The Storm travel ways of thinking wonder working writing

Author: dtpennington

  • Decentralizing Your Media

    The more you have in universal mediums, the better off you will be in the long term. I like BlueSky, even though people behave the same as they ever did. The lede: Bookshop is now selling ebooks, and the proceeds from ebook sales goes to local, independent booksellers. Supporting indie brick-and-mortar’s has always kind of…

  • Riffs On: Shadow Libraries

    Last year I read Syria’s Secret Library, and then dug into the reporting behind the book (permalink), a project of love in a time when Darayya – just outside Damascus – was under siege. “In many cases we get books from bomb or shell-damaged homes. The majority of these places are near the front line,…

  • Hibernation for Humans

    Via Katherine May’s Substack: https://katherinemay.substack.com/p/the-art-of-hibernation May is also the mind behind the great book, Wintering Humans, of course, do not actually hibernate; the only primate to do that is the fat-tailed dwarf lemur, which lives in Madagascar. But we do know that our bodies respond to colder weather and darker conditions in a variety of…

  • David Lynch Visits The Copy Desk

    David Lynch died yesterday. He was a titan in very specific circles. Be nice to the guy in your group who was always introducing you to slightly off-kilter stuff – they’re hurting today. Lynch was a massive influence on my earlier work, in my earlier years. Back in the days when I thought I would…

  • A Proposal for Superbowl Ads

    $7,000,000 for 30 seconds. That’s the going ad rate for commercial airtime for Superbowl 59. In all, $31.5 million and change going to just ad spots, just air time. This doesn’t include the revenue from on-field ads, banners, online streams, pregame spots, sponsored content, etc. “I’m only here to watch the commercials,” was the line…

  • Tasty and Nutritious

    In case anyone needed a reminder: everything on this site is created with 100% real, organic, aged and seasoned grey matter. Ten fingers type these words. On certain days, my wrists ache. The image is a stamp I’ll keep on this site. Yes, I drew it. A note: digital production can be organic. Every photo…

  • That Dead Week 2024 vibe

    The inboxes are dead, but everything else seems somewhat lively. We spent the week in Atlanta in a basement apartment with a thunderously stompy family living upstairs. I spent a fair amount of time wandering the Beltline, dropping in on breweries and galleries, drinking my fill until about three, having my siesta, and then rousing…

  • I Will Send You A Postcard

    It might be a vintage one I pick up at a garage sale. It might be one I draw or paint myself. Maybe it’s some photo artwork. Whatever it is, you probably haven’t gotten something like this in a while. Shoot me an email with your mailing address david at dtpennington dot com.

  • Hiya, Tybee

    It shocks me how docile, chill, and well-behaved a dog can be. We hadn’t planned on a pit-mix. We hardly planned on a dog this soon. After a week without a dog in the house for the first time in 16 years, the change was too harsh. Winter felt too cold. We met Tybee in…

  • App Zero – Progress Update 12.2024

    I mean, who doesn’t love a fancy new app? I mean, isn’t that what so much of the industry invests its resources to? Creating something that looks incredible and feels like it adds some kind of value too your life? So often, the value is a verified distraction. The value is in the mood boost…