Author: dtpennington
The OutWord Manifesto In Our Year of 2024
Not “resolutions,” manifestos. Process, not product. Join me? Embrace the chaos. There will be a lot of it. — It is an election year. Even if you avoid your phone and the TV and all of the news, you will inevitably have those friends who will want to sell you on a candidate and the importance of voting.…
A Personal Manifesto for 2024
Forget Resolutions. Long Live the Manifesto!
You Should Own Everything on your #SpotifyWrapped
$30K paid for the physical recording. But that’s not counting the years of writing that went into it. Every song you hear is someone’s effort, it is someone’s art. When you buy an album, you’re buying a work of art.
Notes on Disinspiration Pt. 2
Perhaps, then, this is what it is to simply live. Create, yes, but continually create into something different. More? Improved? Of the moment?
Notes on Disinspiration Pt. 1
As Apolonia Sokol says, “It’s not about a creation, but a continuation.” Or, as one of my old meathead bosses used to say, “Sure, but what have you done for me lately?”
Notes From The Low Country
Here, the world is ruled by the ocean. Everywhere else you know, the river flows into the ocean. Here, the ocean flows just as much into the land. The water is just as fresh as it is brackish. The tides can make your day just as easily as they can ruin it – I suppose…
Notes on: The Lower East Side
You want this to matter. You want to feel the magic flow from every surface, from every person, the moment you step off the plane. You want this to be worthwhile. On the average, this is a moment of spending. From one block to the next, one swipe to the next, one card to the…
Math as a Liberal Art
The problem with math – at least with math instruction – is that everything is presented as a problem to be solved, and there is one solution. It wouldn’t be until a seminar on etymology that I started to understand where my mathematical collapse begun.
Erecting the Seasonal Gravestones
The world was not golds and oranges. No, those were when everything was tinted with the blue light of computer screens focused on greed.
Notes on: The Summer Cold
The drugs keep me upright and focused. Two parts Dexedrine, five parts dextromethorphan, three parts doxylamine, drink it down with some cold coffee and you’re good for the morning. It is nothing any sane doctor would recommend, but the hours melt away and the words pile up and the little checkmarks on my to-do list…