DT Pennington

Endlessly Curious

2023 2024 App Zero art art and artists Asheville book notes books bourbon Brain Reclaim concerts creative thinking Creativity election essays fly fishing Helene Hurricane Helene ideas idleism Infinite Jest learning to art Learning To Learn manifesto music naps productivity quotes reading reading notes rest riffs seedlings Sketching Slow Reading social media techocalypse The Grey Eagle The Storm tools travel ways of thinking wonder working writing

Author: dtpennington

  • Notes on the Dead Reckoning

    A decade ago, in a February, I was standing in knee high grass well before dawn on the side of a two-lane highway miles outside of Te Anau waiting for a ride. It is four in the morning and my body is stuck in that hungover moment where I can’t stomach the idea of eating…

  • Notes On: The Manifesto

    The first draft of every manifesto comes from a place of fear, anxiety, frustration – a position of “fuck this.” A single event – bad traffic, an asshole boss, an absurdly horrible day – and the pressure is let off. The gas burns, the rant begins. Most people rant, rave, have three glasses of wine…

  • From Mistakes to Style #1

    “A mistake repeated more than once is a decision.” Pablo Coelho “Once is a mistake. Twice is an idea. Three times is style.” Miles Davis At least, I think it was Miles who said that. Maybe it was someone else, maybe it was no one else, at the very least I hope it wasn’t someone…

  • Cuba

    This post regenerates every so often. I never remember why it vanishes. This will be updated soon. In the meantime, here’s some photos I took while I was in Havana in 2017.


    Note: personal fan page to collect and publish stuff I dig. Not managed or endorsed in any way by the artist. “Lions,” as you can imagine, is a commonly used name for creative acts. This page is specifically for LIONS, the since-disbanded rock group from Austin, Texas. From Wikipedia: Lions (stylized as LIONS) were an…