Author: dtpennington
Notes on the Dead Reckoning
A decade ago, in a February, I was standing in knee high grass well before dawn on the side of a two-lane highway miles outside of Te Anau waiting for a ride. It is four in the morning and my body is stuck in that hungover moment where I can’t stomach the idea of eating…
Notes On: The Manifesto
The first draft of every manifesto comes from a place of fear, anxiety, frustration – a position of “fuck this.” A single event – bad traffic, an asshole boss, an absurdly horrible day – and the pressure is let off. The gas burns, the rant begins. Most people rant, rave, have three glasses of wine…
From Mistakes to Style #1
“A mistake repeated more than once is a decision.” Pablo Coelho “Once is a mistake. Twice is an idea. Three times is style.” Miles Davis At least, I think it was Miles who said that. Maybe it was someone else, maybe it was no one else, at the very least I hope it wasn’t someone…
This post regenerates every so often. I never remember why it vanishes. This will be updated soon. In the meantime, here’s some photos I took while I was in Havana in 2017.
Note: personal fan page to collect and publish stuff I dig. Not managed or endorsed in any way by the artist. “Lions,” as you can imagine, is a commonly used name for creative acts. This page is specifically for LIONS, the since-disbanded rock group from Austin, Texas. From Wikipedia: Lions (stylized as LIONS) were an…