DT Pennington

Endlessly Curious

2023 2024 App Zero art art and artists Asheville book notes books bourbon Brain Reclaim concerts creative thinking Creativity election essays fly fishing Helene Hurricane Helene ideas idleism Infinite Jest learning to art Learning To Learn manifesto music naps productivity quotes reading reading notes rest riffs seedlings Sketching Slow Reading social media techocalypse The Grey Eagle The Storm tools travel ways of thinking wonder working writing

Author: dtpennington

  • Keeping Dirt In One Spot

    We’re looking at four (maybe five?) straight days of rain here in Asheville. Yes, North Carolina gets hurricanes – but we’re also 400 miles inland and up in the mountains. It is an odd place to be when this kind of weather hits. Loads of rain isn’t uncommon for Asheville. When we moved here in…

  • Failing Creativity – Rick Rubin’s The Creative Act

    “Hate” is such a strong word, but I can’t get my head around Rubin’s dumb book any other way. I’ve soured on Rubin over the years as he has shifted from less business and more “creativity,” wandering the world in his unruly, unwashed opulence. Sure, he looks the part of a creative guru, but my…

  • Pure KAOS

    If I wrote something for every series I watched, this would be entirely different website featuring far more reality-based programs than I care to admit (no, not documentaries. yes…THOSE realities). KAOS was a lot of fun. I knew all those old Greek myths I studied back in school would come in use at some point!…

  • Method: Blind Brainstorming

    Brainstorming could use an overhaul. The idea of brainstorming was invented by an advertising exec in the 1950s. “It is easier to tone down a wild idea than to think up a new one.” – Alex Osborn Any participant of a brainstorming session typically falls into one of two camps: This is amazing, this is…

  • Post It Note Productivity

    Every day there is a new productivity tool or method. A new youtube video about how some joblo organizes their day. Look at this new notes app, it screams at you when you don’t update it enough. If your day is larger than a post it note, you are attempting to do too much with…

  • maybe Not Free Will

    Free will – the capacity to choose between different courses of action. Your choice in this moment, right now, can change your outcome. There is no prophecy, your life is not guided. You get to pick. I wanted this node in here because it comes up a lot in the studies of Benjamin Libet –…

  • The Brain Reclaim Project

    The theory: a lot of us are some degree of miserable because we have no control over our brains/ minds/ conscious experience. If our bodies are the “meatsuit” of our brains, which experiences consciousness, then what about our bodily experience is reducing our control over brain stuff? Things That Need Looking Into: The goal, maybe:…

  • Idleism

    Not to be confused with idealism. Then again, maybe idleism is the ideal? A working philosophy, a working definition: Anxiety happens against a scale of productivity. The more productive you think you need to be, and how productive you are, determine your anxiety. Idleism is about resetting the bandwidth of productivity. Your productivity should primarily…

  • Notes on: Figuring by Maria Popova

    “So much of the beauty, so much of what propels our pursuit of truth, stems from the invisible connections.” And just like that, with the thesis set, Maria Popova takes us through over five hundred pages of invisible connections between Johanns Kepler in 1617 to the launch of the Voyager space probe in 1977. Between…

  • Recently Read – August 2024

    Two major novels of note: Heretics – Leonardo Padura Translated by Anna Kushner The back of the book alluded to Padura being “Cuba’s Gabriel Garcia Marquez” – which is quite the statement. Heretic’s is a novel of Jewish diaspora masquerading as a crime novel set across a vast span of time and locations. 17th century…