Category: Creative Life
15 Hours
Taking a Severed approach to working with a single goal: keep things to a 15-hour work week.
David Lynch Visits The Copy Desk
David Lynch died yesterday. He was a titan in very specific circles. Be nice to the guy in your group who was always introducing you to slightly off-kilter stuff – they’re hurting today. Lynch was a massive influence on my earlier work, in my earlier years. Back in the days when I thought I would…
A Proposal for Superbowl Ads
$7,000,000 for 30 seconds. That’s the going ad rate for commercial airtime for Superbowl 59. In all, $31.5 million and change going to just ad spots, just air time. This doesn’t include the revenue from on-field ads, banners, online streams, pregame spots, sponsored content, etc. “I’m only here to watch the commercials,” was the line…
Tasty and Nutritious
In case anyone needed a reminder: everything on this site is created with 100% real, organic, aged and seasoned grey matter. Ten fingers type these words. On certain days, my wrists ache. The image is a stamp I’ll keep on this site. Yes, I drew it. A note: digital production can be organic. Every photo…
I Will Send You A Postcard
It might be a vintage one I pick up at a garage sale. It might be one I draw or paint myself. Maybe it’s some photo artwork. Whatever it is, you probably haven’t gotten something like this in a while. Shoot me an email with your mailing address david at dtpennington dot com.
Hell Hath No Fury/ Dead Men Don’t Rape
Frustration helps me make stuff, even if I have no idea where to take it.
Creativity In An Age of Crisis
Theory: tragedy inspires the greatest art. E.g. Picasso’s Guernica Hurricane Helene has brought all kinds of trouble to the region – not just Asheville, but the counties and states surrounding it. Since the hurricane hit a week ago and the devastation continues to unfold, I’ve found it nearly impossible to create anything. It got me…
If I wrote something for every series I watched, this would be entirely different website featuring far more reality-based programs than I care to admit (no, not documentaries. yes…THOSE realities). KAOS was a lot of fun. I knew all those old Greek myths I studied back in school would come in use at some point!…
The Firm Pays For It
One day I’ll get my print story running again.
Riffs on Paper
It’s like when you buy clothes: if you find something you like that fits well, buy it in every color. But here, if I find a paper that really sings I’ll stock up however I can.