Category: Creative Life

  • 15 Hours

    Taking a Severed approach to working with a single goal: keep things to a 15-hour work week.

  • David Lynch Visits The Copy Desk

    David Lynch died yesterday. He was a titan in very specific circles. Be nice to the guy in your group who was always introducing you to slightly off-kilter stuff – they’re hurting today. Lynch was a massive influence on my earlier work, in my earlier years. Back in the days when I thought I would…

  • A Proposal for Superbowl Ads

    $7,000,000 for 30 seconds. That’s the going ad rate for commercial airtime for Superbowl 59. In all, $31.5 million and change going to just ad spots, just air time. This doesn’t include the revenue from on-field ads, banners, online streams, pregame spots, sponsored content, etc. “I’m only here to watch the commercials,” was the line…

  • Tasty and Nutritious

    In case anyone needed a reminder: everything on this site is created with 100% real, organic, aged and seasoned grey matter. Ten fingers type these words. On certain days, my wrists ache. The image is a stamp I’ll keep on this site. Yes, I drew it. A note: digital production can be organic. Every photo…

  • I Will Send You A Postcard

    It might be a vintage one I pick up at a garage sale. It might be one I draw or paint myself. Maybe it’s some photo artwork. Whatever it is, you probably haven’t gotten something like this in a while. Shoot me an email with your mailing address david at dtpennington dot com.

  • Hell Hath No Fury/ Dead Men Don’t Rape

    Frustration helps me make stuff, even if I have no idea where to take it.

  • Creativity In An Age of Crisis

    Theory: tragedy inspires the greatest art. E.g. Picasso’s Guernica Hurricane Helene has brought all kinds of trouble to the region – not just Asheville, but the counties and states surrounding it. Since the hurricane hit a week ago and the devastation continues to unfold, I’ve found it nearly impossible to create anything. It got me…

  • Pure KAOS

    If I wrote something for every series I watched, this would be entirely different website featuring far more reality-based programs than I care to admit (no, not documentaries. yes…THOSE realities). KAOS was a lot of fun. I knew all those old Greek myths I studied back in school would come in use at some point!…

  • The Firm Pays For It

    One day I’ll get my print story running again.

  • Riffs on Paper

    Riffs on Paper

    It’s like when you buy clothes: if you find something you like that fits well, buy it in every color. But here, if I find a paper that really sings I’ll stock up however I can.