Category: Creative Techniques & Inspiration
David Lynch Visits The Copy Desk
David Lynch died yesterday. He was a titan in very specific circles. Be nice to the guy in your group who was always introducing you to slightly off-kilter stuff – they’re hurting today. Lynch was a massive influence on my earlier work, in my earlier years. Back in the days when I thought I would…
A Proposal for Superbowl Ads
$7,000,000 for 30 seconds. That’s the going ad rate for commercial airtime for Superbowl 59. In all, $31.5 million and change going to just ad spots, just air time. This doesn’t include the revenue from on-field ads, banners, online streams, pregame spots, sponsored content, etc. “I’m only here to watch the commercials,” was the line…
Notes On: The Manifesto
The first draft of every manifesto comes from a place of fear, anxiety, frustration – a position of “fuck this.” A single event – bad traffic, an asshole boss, an absurdly horrible day – and the pressure is let off. The gas burns, the rant begins. Most people rant, rave, have three glasses of wine…
From Mistakes to Style #1
“A mistake repeated more than once is a decision.” Pablo Coelho “Once is a mistake. Twice is an idea. Three times is style.” Miles Davis At least, I think it was Miles who said that. Maybe it was someone else, maybe it was no one else, at the very least I hope it wasn’t someone…