Category: Idleism
Notes on: Hanging Out
Hanging out is tough when you’re 40. Even more so when you’re at a loss of the “third space.” When you’re younger, in the 20s, hanging out at someone else’s house or apartment made sense because everything was cheaper and usually the party had no where to go. Also, you didn’t care so much about…
15 Hours
Taking a Severed approach to working with a single goal: keep things to a 15-hour work week.
Hibernation for Humans
Via Katherine May’s Substack: May is also the mind behind the great book, Wintering Humans, of course, do not actually hibernate; the only primate to do that is the fat-tailed dwarf lemur, which lives in Madagascar. But we do know that our bodies respond to colder weather and darker conditions in a variety of…
Why Kids Can’t Read
I have no patience for podcasts. I leave it to my wife to decide what gets listened to on long road trips (or, in the winter, when a 1,000 piece puzzle is littered all over the dining table). During our drive back from Savannah, where we spent the week of Thanksgiving and adopted our darling…
Togetherness and Techocalypse
I’ve had my drinks and nursed the hangover and the feeling of existential dread that I’ve carried over the past 8 years isn’t as intense as I figured it might be. Two reasons: 1) The election is over. It’s done. The process did what it does and we’re not looking at months of bullshit rhetoric.…
Other Ways of Doing Business
As of this writing, in September 2024, I feel as though I join the ranks of the burnt out. I hit this weird spot where I was running a business, but I didn’t really create much. I might be shooting myself in the foot, but I’m not sure I want my sole creations of the…
Post It Note Productivity
Every day there is a new productivity tool or method. A new youtube video about how some joblo organizes their day. Look at this new notes app, it screams at you when you don’t update it enough. If your day is larger than a post it note, you are attempting to do too much with…
The Explosion and a Persistent Challenge of Discovery and Appreciation.
Artists tend to not stop making things, even if the thing you remember them making isn’t around anymore.