Category: Journal
Notes on Disinspiration Pt. 1
As Apolonia Sokol says, “It’s not about a creation, but a continuation.” Or, as one of my old meathead bosses used to say, “Sure, but what have you done for me lately?”
Notes From The Low Country
Here, the world is ruled by the ocean. Everywhere else you know, the river flows into the ocean. Here, the ocean flows just as much into the land. The water is just as fresh as it is brackish. The tides can make your day just as easily as they can ruin it – I suppose…
Notes on: The Lower East Side
You want this to matter. You want to feel the magic flow from every surface, from every person, the moment you step off the plane. You want this to be worthwhile. On the average, this is a moment of spending. From one block to the next, one swipe to the next, one card to the…
Erecting the Seasonal Gravestones
The world was not golds and oranges. No, those were when everything was tinted with the blue light of computer screens focused on greed.
Notes on: The Summer Cold
The drugs keep me upright and focused. Two parts Dexedrine, five parts dextromethorphan, three parts doxylamine, drink it down with some cold coffee and you’re good for the morning. It is nothing any sane doctor would recommend, but the hours melt away and the words pile up and the little checkmarks on my to-do list…
Notes on the Dead Reckoning
A decade ago, in a February, I was standing in knee high grass well before dawn on the side of a two-lane highway miles outside of Te Anau waiting for a ride. It is four in the morning and my body is stuck in that hungover moment where I can’t stomach the idea of eating…
From Mistakes to Style #1
“A mistake repeated more than once is a decision.” Pablo Coelho “Once is a mistake. Twice is an idea. Three times is style.” Miles Davis At least, I think it was Miles who said that. Maybe it was someone else, maybe it was no one else, at the very least I hope it wasn’t someone…
This post regenerates every so often. I never remember why it vanishes. This will be updated soon. In the meantime, here’s some photos I took while I was in Havana in 2017.