Category: Techocalypse

  • PermaTech

    Last weekend I finally got out the tools and replaced the keyboard on my Microsoft Laptop 2. I picked up the laptop years ago to use as a traveler and it served me in the capacity it was designed to. When the machine started to slow down and failed to keep up with the photo…

  • Notes on: Tools

    You probably won’t own the means of production, but it doesn’t hurt to have a decent toolkit on hand. We are in an age of repair instead of replace. Tools are anything that allow you to extend the ability of your brain/ hand connection. The mechanical advantage of human capability. Code is just as valuable…

  • Decentralizing Your Media

    The more you have in universal mediums, the better off you will be in the long term. I like BlueSky, even though people behave the same as they ever did. The lede: Bookshop is now selling ebooks, and the proceeds from ebook sales goes to local, independent booksellers. Supporting indie brick-and-mortar’s has always kind of…

  • Tasty and Nutritious

    In case anyone needed a reminder: everything on this site is created with 100% real, organic, aged and seasoned grey matter. Ten fingers type these words. On certain days, my wrists ache. The image is a stamp I’ll keep on this site. Yes, I drew it. A note: digital production can be organic. Every photo…

  • App Zero – Progress Update 12.2024

    I mean, who doesn’t love a fancy new app? I mean, isn’t that what so much of the industry invests its resources to? Creating something that looks incredible and feels like it adds some kind of value too your life? So often, the value is a verified distraction. The value is in the mood boost…

  • The Loss of the “Literary Man”

    When we lose reading, we lose empathy. As insufferable as the “literary man” might be, at least he treated you as the person you are.

  • Why Kids Can’t Read

    I have no patience for podcasts. I leave it to my wife to decide what gets listened to on long road trips (or, in the winter, when a 1,000 piece puzzle is littered all over the dining table). During our drive back from Savannah, where we spent the week of Thanksgiving and adopted our darling…

  • Affiliate Arbitrage

    Theory: search and referrals rarely deliver consumers results for the “best” product or service they are looking for. Just about every link on any “buyer’s guide” page goes through several hoops of affiliate reference codes. So you have to ask: is this product really the best? Or is the publisher getting the most incentive to…

  • Riffs on: Reading Well

    The current reality: reading isn’t a priority. When newspapers were still a stalwart of our cultural hegemony, even they were written at a 7th grade reading level. After all, everyone needs to know the news. I far the average reading level is far less than that. There is the story about the woman suing because…

  • Togetherness and Techocalypse

    I’ve had my drinks and nursed the hangover and the feeling of existential dread that I’ve carried over the past 8 years isn’t as intense as I figured it might be. Two reasons: 1) The election is over. It’s done. The process did what it does and we’re not looking at months of bullshit rhetoric.…