Category: Techocalypse

  • New Rules for Social Engagement

    I am absolutely the kind of guy who can’t be trusted to spend “just a minute” on social media because I will absolutely lose the next two hours of my life to it. I get sucked in even though I KNOW there is rarely anything interesting out there. If things were perfect, I would just…

  • The Dead Net

    The Dead Net

    The internet is broken. This is particularly problematic when we live in a world where so much is enabled, facilitated, and disabled by “the internet.” Hell, even defining “the internet” is a rough task. What is it? The line that goes into your house. The stuff you scroll through the data connection on your phone.…

  • Planned Life

    Words about Alex Shakar’s “Luminarium”

  • Anti Algorithmic

    I also struggle with the whole “scrolling on my phone for too long” thing. I wouldn’t feel guilty about it if I were seeing something noteable or worthwhile. Lately, it seems my feed is just full of aspirational content about the great life that exists outside of the very feed the content is made for.…

  • Entertained to the Death of It

    The viewers of Entertainment can’t look away and their bodies rot while they watch TV. Why read a book when you can scroll through Instagram? Why read the history of the news report when the headline gives you just enough to keep up at social hour? Why have a salad when you can get the…

  • You Should Own Everything on your #SpotifyWrapped

    $30K paid for the physical recording. But that’s not counting the years of writing that went into it. Every song you hear is someone’s effort, it is someone’s art. When you buy an album, you’re buying a work of art.