Category: App Zero
Decentralizing Your Media
The more you have in universal mediums, the better off you will be in the long term. I like BlueSky, even though people behave the same as they ever did. The lede: Bookshop is now selling ebooks, and the proceeds from ebook sales goes to local, independent booksellers. Supporting indie brick-and-mortar’s has always kind of…
App Zero – Progress Update 12.2024
I mean, who doesn’t love a fancy new app? I mean, isn’t that what so much of the industry invests its resources to? Creating something that looks incredible and feels like it adds some kind of value too your life? So often, the value is a verified distraction. The value is in the mood boost…
App Zero Progress – August 2024
In the six months or so since I first approached the idea of “App Zero,” I’ve stumbled a few times. Here’s the thing: I don’t need another app. I don’t think anyone does. I sure as hell don’t need to be PAYING for any of them. But I like seeing what independent app developers create…
6 Months with the Boox Palma
This post was updated on January 29, 2005. I still love the device. Just some little things came up that I wanted to address. Since day 1, e-reading hasn’t exactly been easy. There is always some kind of chore that stands between where the books are and where you can read them. It’s gotten better…
Consolidation to Reduce Anxiety
Too many apps. Too many profiles. Too many inboxes. Not enough of the right attention going to the right places. The joke used to be: the first step to any new business idea is securing the domain name. The result was a lot of clever domain names that were registered even though they never went…
Your Apps Are Worthless
The more apps I use, the more things I need to tend, the less energy I have to write/ read/ nap/ think/ whatever. Think of it like “app zero.”