Tag: art and artists
Locals Only
These days have that flavor of the early pandemic lockdowns, or that weird week every year between Christmas and New Years, when you aren’t sure what day it is or when you last showered or exactly how many days you are getting out of your underwear. It is only now that I am reminded how…
Joyful Creation
via – Reclaiming Joy in the Creator Economy – by Thomas Klaffke (creativedestruction.club)
Creative Environments
“What we can do is construct an environment that nurtures trusting and respectful relationships and unleashes everyone’s creativity. If we get that right, the result is a vibrant community where talented people are loyal to one another and their collective work, everyone feels that they are part of something extraordinary, and their passion and accomplishments…
The Firm Pays For It
One day I’ll get my print story running again.
The Explosion and a Persistent Challenge of Discovery and Appreciation.
Artists tend to not stop making things, even if the thing you remember them making isn’t around anymore.
The Gallery Next Door
Show me what you are. Don’t wait to pick up on a clue of something you think I might like – I’d rather you show me what you’re into. Let it be strange, let it be weird, let it be normal, just let it be. Find the stuff that speaks for you and collect every…
All The Good Stuff Is At The Bottom
“Having to read footnotes resembles having to go downstairs to answer the door while in the midst of making love.”
You Should Own Everything on your #SpotifyWrapped
$30K paid for the physical recording. But that’s not counting the years of writing that went into it. Every song you hear is someone’s effort, it is someone’s art. When you buy an album, you’re buying a work of art.
Notes on Disinspiration Pt. 2
Perhaps, then, this is what it is to simply live. Create, yes, but continually create into something different. More? Improved? Of the moment?
Notes on Disinspiration Pt. 1
As Apolonia Sokol says, “It’s not about a creation, but a continuation.” Or, as one of my old meathead bosses used to say, “Sure, but what have you done for me lately?”