Tag: brainstorming

  • QuestionStorming

    • The Firm Pays For It

      One day I’ll get my print story running again.

    • Notes on ADHD

      For most of my life, my attention span for any job is about 6 months. Once I hit the 6-month mark I get restless in the company/ position, and I start looking for other stuff to do. This was particularly excruciating in sales and account management roles when every day/ week was more or less…

    • New Rules for Social Engagement

      I am absolutely the kind of guy who can’t be trusted to spend “just a minute” on social media because I will absolutely lose the next two hours of my life to it. I get sucked in even though I KNOW there is rarely anything interesting out there. If things were perfect, I would just…

    • Algorithms Just Replace People

      When I lived in Cap Hill in Denver, my Friday night routine involved walking by a little strip mall that had both a Qdoba and a Blockbuster. I suppose I am that old. I would pick up a few DVDs and two burritos for the weekend and keep walking the few blocks to my apartment.…

    • App Zero Progress – August 2024

      In the six months or so since I first approached the idea of “App Zero,” I’ve stumbled a few times. Here’s the thing: I don’t need another app. I don’t think anyone does. I sure as hell don’t need to be PAYING for any of them. But I like seeing what independent app developers create…

    • Notes From AVL Fest 2024

      Since we attended in 2023, we had option to buy early tickets for $50 for the weekend – worth buying no matter what the case. I don’t recall much about the 2023 lineup other than it bounced between soaking rains and insufferable heat.

    • Like A Bird

      The other night I was watching Jim & Andy – The Great Beyond. This stuck out: “I find it all so abstract….everything are these abstract structures that you’re given and they are supposed to hold you together somehow…I don’t need to be held together.” A lot of who we are was established long before we…

    The expectation is that people will show up to a brainstorming session with a grip of solutions ready to go. I previously worked through an alternative approach to brainstorming for those who have teams of people with varied personalities (introverts, extroverts) and how to ensure the loudest idea wasn’t mistaken for the best idea. A…