Tag: essays
Arbitrary Authority
An idea I’m working a lot with lately: nothing is real, there is no control. An extension of “only worry about the things you can control” mixed with “well, I ain’t dead.” Because when you step back and really think about all of it, nothing really matters. Everything that makes us anxious and in a…
Entertained to the Death of It
The viewers of Entertainment can’t look away and their bodies rot while they watch TV. Why read a book when you can scroll through Instagram? Why read the history of the news report when the headline gives you just enough to keep up at social hour? Why have a salad when you can get the…
Math as a Liberal Art
The problem with math – at least with math instruction – is that everything is presented as a problem to be solved, and there is one solution. It wouldn’t be until a seminar on etymology that I started to understand where my mathematical collapse begun.
Notes on: The Summer Cold
The drugs keep me upright and focused. Two parts Dexedrine, five parts dextromethorphan, three parts doxylamine, drink it down with some cold coffee and you’re good for the morning. It is nothing any sane doctor would recommend, but the hours melt away and the words pile up and the little checkmarks on my to-do list…
Notes on the Dead Reckoning
A decade ago, in a February, I was standing in knee high grass well before dawn on the side of a two-lane highway miles outside of Te Anau waiting for a ride. It is four in the morning and my body is stuck in that hungover moment where I can’t stomach the idea of eating…