Tag: Learning To Learn

  • QuestionStorming

    The expectation is that people will show up to a brainstorming session with a grip of solutions ready to go. I previously worked through an alternative approach to brainstorming for those who have teams of people with varied personalities (introverts, extroverts) and how to ensure the loudest idea wasn’t mistaken for the best idea. A…

  • Anti Algorithmic

    I also struggle with the whole “scrolling on my phone for too long” thing. I wouldn’t feel guilty about it if I were seeing something noteable or worthwhile. Lately, it seems my feed is just full of aspirational content about the great life that exists outside of the very feed the content is made for.…

  • Your Apps Are Worthless

    The more apps I use, the more things I need to tend, the less energy I have to write/ read/ nap/ think/ whatever. Think of it like “app zero.”

  • Math as a Liberal Art

    The problem with math – at least with math instruction – is that everything is presented as a problem to be solved, and there is one solution. It wouldn’t be until a seminar on etymology that I started to understand where my mathematical collapse begun.