Tag: manifesto
The OutWord Manifesto In Our Year of 2024
Not “resolutions,” manifestos. Process, not product. Join me? Embrace the chaos. There will be a lot of it. — It is an election year. Even if you avoid your phone and the TV and all of the news, you will inevitably have those friends who will want to sell you on a candidate and the importance of voting.…
A Personal Manifesto for 2024
Forget Resolutions. Long Live the Manifesto!
Notes On: The Manifesto
The first draft of every manifesto comes from a place of fear, anxiety, frustration – a position of “fuck this.” A single event – bad traffic, an asshole boss, an absurdly horrible day – and the pressure is let off. The gas burns, the rant begins. Most people rant, rave, have three glasses of wine…