Tag: wonder

  • What This Could Be – September 27

    It was the week of crushing rains. Something like 8 inches has fallen over the last 24 hours with more on the way. The trash guys still picked up this week, only to leave the bins with the lid open. By the time I retrieved the can it was half full of water – probably…

  • New Rules for Social Engagement

    I am absolutely the kind of guy who can’t be trusted to spend “just a minute” on social media because I will absolutely lose the next two hours of my life to it. I get sucked in even though I KNOW there is rarely anything interesting out there. If things were perfect, I would just…

  • Algorithms Just Replace People

    When I lived in Cap Hill in Denver, my Friday night routine involved walking by a little strip mall that had both a Qdoba and a Blockbuster. I suppose I am that old. I would pick up a few DVDs and two burritos for the weekend and keep walking the few blocks to my apartment.…

  • The Explosion and a Persistent Challenge of Discovery and Appreciation.

    The Explosion and a Persistent Challenge of Discovery and Appreciation.

    Artists tend to not stop making things, even if the thing you remember them making isn’t around anymore.

  • Create More Than You Consume. Much More. Exponentially More.

    “It actually makes me feel better knowing you’re not doing so great.” This line comes from one of my friends, but there’s no reason to take offense. As it goes, misery loves company. This has sat in drafts for a while. I wasn’t sure how to approach the idea of “everyone’s having a tough go,…

  • The Gallery Next Door

    Show me what you are. Don’t wait to pick up on a clue of something you think I might like – I’d rather you show me what you’re into. Let it be strange, let it be weird, let it be normal, just let it be. Find the stuff that speaks for you and collect every…

  • 2024: The Year of Wonder?

    You know the feeling of awe. Awe is passive, it is amazement, and it usually passes. But, if you can catch it in the moment, then it might just be the thing that sets off your sense of wonder.

  • Notes on Disinspiration Pt. 2

    Perhaps, then, this is what it is to simply live. Create, yes, but continually create into something different. More? Improved? Of the moment?

  • Notes on: The Lower East Side

    You want this to matter. You want to feel the magic flow from every surface, from every person, the moment you step off the plane. You want this to be worthwhile. On the average, this is a moment of spending. From one block to the next, one swipe to the next, one card to the…