Category: Odds & Ends

  • Riffs on: Floods

    Another day, another sheaf of headlines about flooding throughout the American Southeast.

  • The Post-Election Whateverness

    I tried to stay connected to the community in the aftermath of the Hurricane – but that ultimately led to hours of doomscrolling and too much social media and way too much anxiety for what I was getting in return. Of course this coincided with the run-up to the elections and before long I was…

  • Love Lies Bleeding

    Love Lies Bleeding

    A rare thing around our house: the rewatch. Don’t get me wrong, I will rewatch movies and shows in the way a favorite meal might comfort someone. I am definitely in with the crowd that will drop into any episode of The Office and know the very next line out of the mouth of the…

  • Big Dumb Truck

    The first car I ever bought brand new was a 2013 Tacoma. It was the best truck, the perfect size, and did all the stuff I needed it to do. Over the years I made small upgrades and added a topper to the bed. It was grey and inconsequential; it was one of a million…

  • Half-Baked

    The gist: ideas shouldn’t be hoarded. More info here. As ideas get a little more action, I will give them their own page and link to it. You’re welcome. The Trash of Tulum. It’s everywhere, so much so that it seems like a normal part of the landscape. It’s the indicator of a town collapsing…